Monday, December 12, 2016

Max Freighter slots

Maximum inventory slots for freighters in No Man's Sky is 48.

Just managed to grind all the way to max number of slots for a freighter and it turns out to be the same as exosuit and ships which is 48.

48 Slot Freighter No Man's Sky

Each slot in a freighter can hold up to 1,000 resources or 10 commodities. You are also able to call your freighter at anytime and it will warp in on your position. The only way to transfer items into the freighter is by going to the captain of the ship and opening up the inventory via dialog.

Getting to max freighter slots is a huge money grind! You will need to make around 600 to 700 million credits as you keep upgrading from freighter to freighter.

The last upgrade from a 46 slot freighter to a 48 slot freighter costs 105,452,360 units.

46 Slot to 48 Slot Freighter No Man's Sky
Enjoy getting to one of the end goals in No Man's Sky!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Money Hack

Tutorial on how to mem hack credits for unlimited amounts of money to be used in No Man's Sky.

Follow these steps in order to hack units in No Man's Sky.
  1. First Step
    Download and install cheat engine
  2. Next Step
    Start up No Man's Sky, enter into either normal or survival game mode.
  3. Select the NMS.exe Process in cheat engine
    • Click on the process button
    • Select NMS.exe from the list

  4. Make some basic credits either by selling to a Galactic Terminal or using a visor and uploading on No Man's Sky
    • Sell something so you have credits
    • Or you can also do a discovery using the visor and uploading.
  5. Go back to cheat engine and enter in that amount into the Value Box
    • In No Man's Sky press ESC or Tab to see your current credits amount box which is on the top left.
    • Enter that exact amount into the value section.
    • Then Press the First Scan button on cheat engine.
  6. Go back to No Man's Sky and sell something or discover and upload to get additional credits. Then Enter that amount into the value section on cheat engine and press next scan.
    • NMS current credit window after selling and/or discover upload
    • Cheat Engine window with entering new unit value
  7. Repeat Step 6, until Found section on cheat engines is showing only a few addresses.
  8. Edit the Address value on cheat engine to the unit amount you want in No Man's Sky
    • Right click on the address and select change value of selected address
    • Enter in how much credits you want into that value section and press ok.
  9. If all goes well you will now have the exact amount of units entered into the value section from step 8.

If cheating is not something you want to do and would rather earn units in No Man's Sky legitimately then check out this station trader guide on doing just that!