No Man's Sky Hud Icons explained with images and description of what each represents.
Atlas Station
Atlas Station - Visited
Battle -
Beacon -
Beacon - Visited
Building - Observatory, Shelter, Operation Centers
Building - Visited
Crate - loot-able resource containers.
Creature Friend - When you feed a animal, this icon will appear over its face
Creature Look - Creature has something it wants to show you, icon appears over face
Creature Scared - afraid animal
Damage Machine
Distress Signal - a crashed ship
Distress Signal - Visited
Factory -
Factory - Visited
Fuel - Isotope resources like Carbon, Thamium9 and Plutonium. Used as fuel to power up difference items.
Fuel - Isotope resources like Carbon, Thamium9 and Plutonium. Used as fuel to power up difference items.
Generic -
Generic - Visited
Grave - when you die this icon will show up, if you go back to this location you
may be able to recover your cargo. If you die while on the way to this
icon, it will disappear and you will loose any resources dropped.
Harvester -
Health - this will restore some of your health pool.
Life Support -
Mineral - Oxide resources like Zinc, Iron, Sulfur, Titanium. Use for crafting and some power ups of items.
Mineral - Oxide resources like Zinc, Iron, Sulfur, Titanium. Use for crafting and some power ups of items.
Monolith -
Observatory -
Outpost -
Plaque -
Portal -
Protection - this will restore some hazard shielding.
Radio Tower -
Rare - usually trade commodities that sell very rare and are used in high end recipes.
Resource Deposit
Relic - obelisk that lets you learn a different word for the various languages. May also provide multi-tool upgrades and various resource as rewards.
Rune - obelisk that lets you learn a different word for the various languages. May also provide multi-tool upgrades and various resource as rewards.
Rune - Visited
Save - save point areas
Shield - this will restore some shield.
Ship - current location of your ship.
Shop -
Signal -
Space Anomaly -
Space Anomaly - Visited
Space Station -
Space Station - Visited
Tech - a large cache of heridum resource.
Tech Debris - usually a broken machinery part which will provide new technology blueprint.
Tech - Silicate resources like Heridium, Silicon, Platinum. Used for crafting various items.
Terminal -
Unknown -when traveling over terrain this icon will appear over points of interest.
Waypoint -
Waypoint - Visited
This is preliminary icon data, if you notice one that is missing fill free to comment below. I will be updating the page as more information is available.