Product Crafting List
Listed here are all the various crafting recipes for Products in No Man's Sky.Component
- Carite Sheet
A lightweight metal product heavily used in ship part manufacture.- Iron x 50
- Microdensity Fabric
Multi-purpose conductive material.- Platinum x 10
- Iron x 50
- Electron Vapour
Captured cloud of ionised electrons.- Suspension Fluid x 1
- Plutonium x 100
- Antimatter
Contained negative matter and baryogenesis antiparticles.- Electron Vapour x1
- Heridium x 50
- Zinc x 20
- Suspension Fluid
Non-reactive and pressure-resistant liquid.- Carbon x 50
- Dynamic Resonator
Electromagnetic frequency oscillator.- Antimatter x 2
- Chrysonite x 100
- Microdensity Fabric x 4
- Lemmium
Heavy metal alloy.- Titanium x 100
- Plutonium x 200
- Bypass Chip
A single use device that can be used to gain access to encrypted terminals and facilities.- Plutonium x 10
- Iron x 10
- Atlaspass v1
Security and permissions pass granted to specific travelers by many primary galactic species.- Iron x 25
- Heridium x 10
- Atlaspass v2
- Atlaspass v3
- Warp Cell
Fuel used to charge a starship's Hyperdrive and to enable FTL warp speeds.- Thamium9 x 100
- Antimatter x 1
- Shielding Shard
Hazard Protection and Shield energy storage unit.- Iron x 25
- Shielding Plate
Increased capacity energy storage unit.- Iron x 50
- Unstable Plasma
Stored charge for Plasma Launcher.- Thamium9 x 400
- Plutonium x 200
- Shielding Sheet
High capacity energy storage unit.- Iron x 75
- Power Canister
Increased capacity power gel source.- Carbon x 50
- Power Gel
Convenient and optimized power storage unit. Used in a wide variety of weapon and light support systems.- Carbon x 25
- Power Reservoir
High capacity power gel source.- Carbon x 75